
An Update!

So...what's going on in our world? Finals week is upon us and I have a whole lot of reading and studying to catch up on if I plan to continue my college career (so don't get all butthurt if I don't respond right away to your meritless mass-email about the country/folk singer your shitty advertising agency is trying to promote...my hands are full.) I figured I might drop some music on you guys...you know, update for the first time in a week...let you know we're still into what we're doing here.

First off, I want to note that next Tuesday will be the last airing of MINDGRINDER for the spring semester of '09 on WMUC. We'll be doing our usual end of the year thing; recycled favorites and all. We'll also be playing another brand new 'Behold! The Monolith' track, which'll be on their record that's due to be released within the year. I know 'Black Skies' is due to be returning to the studio soon...not sure when, but I'm pretty excited about it. 'Kowloon Walled City' is currently recording their first full album, no big details yet.

Also, even though we're not going to be on the air over the summer, we still want to hear your band (especially if you fit our format. take a good guess.) Keep in mind that we love and favor DIY artists. We're also interested in potentially doing some interviews on the air in the future...you know, let us know.

...I'm going to work on changing the site again after school's over--we're obviously behind the times by a couple weeks now, and I fucking hate the color palette now. It looks like barf. I might also try to make the page less 'noisy'. If you have any suggestions, I'm way open to them.

and lastly, I wanted to plug two things: tomorrow will be the last airing of 'Philosophical Discourses' on WMUC2, Eldis and I may come back to do the show next semester...who knows. Also, I'll be sitting during 'Dna in the Dna' tomorrow from 6pm-8pm for Sean's two hour NIRVANA special--this'll be the last radio show I do for a couple months.

Anywho, it'll be dead around here for a week or two as we buckle down here in College Park, keep the faith though.
