
Iron Lung // Hatred Surge Split {POWERVIOLENCE}

This isn't really a split, but more of a collaboration between the two bands, "released" sometime earlier this year. I say "released", because realistically, the only place you can find this record...is on the internet. The Collab. was released on 100 test copies, of which you'd have to pay a pretty penny to obtain. Rumor is that the record will be released on an official pressing early 2009....but 'til then....

Iron Lung // Hatred Surge Collab.


Anonymous said...


No Funeral said...

Iron Lung and Hatred Surge are about the best bands going right now. This record needs and official release. In the meantime, this is exactly what the internet was meant to do; find obscure shit.

Anonymous said...

it's being officially released this month on iron lung's west coast tour with extortion.